Climate OptiOns for the Long term (COOL) - Global Dialogue Synthesis Report


A synthesises is given of the outcomes of an international dialogue between scientists, policy makers and stakeholders on long-term options for international climate policy making and their near-term implications. This dialogue was part of the Climate OptiOns for the Long-term (COOL) project. The COOL global dialogue project was designed as a series of four workshops using a back casting methodology to explore options for long-term climate policy and their near-term implications.

It took as its 20020621 point a stabilisation of CO2 concentrations at 450 ppmv (or 550 CO2 equivalent) around 2100, translated into a emission reduction of 15-25% by 2050 compared to 1990 levels. It was found that such an emission reduction is technically feasible at limited economic costs provided that the world develops in an economically and politically favourable way (open world) and major social and institutional barriers can be overcome. It requires an early involvement of developing countries in global emission control and the establishment of a global emission trading system to reduce emissions in a cost-effective way. This seems to require the development of a comprehensive international climate regime as an ad hoc incremental evolution of the climate regime is unlikely to keep the option of stabilising CO2 concentrations at 450 open. It is crucially important to account for the large inertia in the both natural and human systems. Near-term climate policymaking needs to take a long-term perspective either by formulating provisional long-term climate targets, or by systematically reflecting on long-term implications of near-term decision making. Moreover, the project has resulted in a list of desirable short-term actions.


Berk MM , Minnen JG van , Metz B , Moomaw W , Elzen MGJ den , Vuuren DP van , Gupta J


Publication title
Climate OptiOns for the Long term (COOL) - Global Dialogue Synthesis Report
Publication date
31 December 2001
Publication type
Publication language
Product number