Climate OptiOns for the Long term (COOL)-Synthesis Report


The aim of the COOL project was to develop strategic notions how drastic reductions of GHG emissions in the Netherlands can be achieved in the long term, in an European and global context, using a method of participatory integrated assessment.

The project brought together in a dialogue setting scientists, policy makers and stakeholders representing different groups and different interests in society. Experiences and insights from different groups were thus available for the process. In the dialogue, which was set up as a series of workshops, long term policy options for significant greenhouse gas emissions reductions and their feasibility have been analysed. As Dutch climate policy is dependent on international policy developments, the COOL-project incorporated next to the national Dutch level, also a dialogue on the European and on the global level.


Berk M , Hisschemoller M , Hordijk L , Metz B , Mol APJ - Tuinstra W (eds)


Publication title
Climate OptiOns for the Long term (COOL)-Synthesis Report
Publication date
23 December 2002
Publication type
Publication language
Product number