Climate Science Survey. Questions and Responses


In the Spring of 2012, PBL held a survey among 1868 scientists studying various aspects of climate change, including physical climate, climate impacts, and mitigation. The main results of the survey were published in an article in Environmental Science and Technology (ES&T) in August 2014: Scientists’ view about attribution of global warming. It showed that there is widespread agreement regarding a dominant influence of anthropogenic greenhouse gases on recent global warming. This agreement is stronger among respondents with more peer-reviewed publications.

A background report with the results for all 31 questions has now been made available. The total number of responses for each answer option is provided and a subdivision into seven groups for five questions.

If reproducing or discussing these results elsewhere, please refer to this document, its URL and the abovementioned article in ES&T. If you are interested in the survey-data, please contact us to discuss terms and conditions.


Bart Strengers, Bart Verheggen, Kees Vringer


Publication title
Climate Science Survey - Questions and Responses
Publication date
10 April 2015
Publication type
Product number