Closing the gap between science and policy on air pollution and health


Past and recent improvements in environmental quality, including air quality, are the result of weighing ecological, economic, and social interests in decision making. Despite this success, air pollution is still one of the major environmental factors affecting human health, and concern over the substantial health impact remains high.


This paper discusses critical issues underlying the interface between air quality science, stakeholder participation, and policy development within the context of the European AIRNET Network multistakeholder project. The paper argues that it is not only the content of air pollution and health issues that stakeholders consider important, but also the process and mechanisms by which the interface operates. A visual representation of the interaction between science, society, and stakeholders in the development, dissemination, and evaluation of effective air quality policy strategies is provided. The paper discusses the role of AIRNET in supporting the Clean Air for Europe (CAFE) program and assesses the AIRNET experience in establishing a network to bridge the gap between air quality policy, stakeholders, the public, and scientific communities.


Bree L van , Fudge N , Tuomisto JT , Brunekreef B


Publication title
Closing the gap between science and policy on air pollution and health
Publication date
20 April 2007
Publication type
J Toxicol Environ Health A 2007; 70(3-4):377-81
Product number