CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion 1971/2000 - 2002 Edition


Abstract: Recent years have witnessed a fundamental change in the way governments approach energy-related environmental issues. In recognition of this change and in preparation for the Eighth Conference of the Parties (COP-8) meeting under the U.N. Climate Convention in New Delhi, India from 23 October to 1 November 2002, the IEA has prepared this publication on CO2 emissions from fuel combustion. The data in this book are designed to assist in understanding the evolution of these emissions from 1971 to 2000 for more than 140 countries and regions by sector and by fuel.Emissions were calculated using IEA energy databases and the default methods and emission factors from the Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories.


International Energy Agency


Publication title
CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion 1971/2000 - 2002 Edition
Publication date
1 January 2002
Publication type
Publication language
Product number