Describing scientific uncertainties in climate change to support analysis of risk and of options. Workshop report, May 2004


This IPCC workshop was convened in order to consider past experience and new developments in the determination and communication of uncertainties in order to make that knowledge available to Lead Authors of the AR4 in useful form. It was attended by experts from all areas of climate change as well as users of climate change information and researchers in assessment and communication methods. Results of plenary and breakout discussions are presented in sections 3 and 4 of this report.


Manning M , Petit M , Easterlink D , Murphy J , Patwardhan A , Rogner HH , Swart R , Yohe G


Publication title
Describing scientific uncertainties in climate change to support analysis of risk and of options. Workshop report, May 2004
Publication date
19 May 2004
Publication type
Boulder: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC, 2004
Product number