Effectiveness of international emission control measures for North Sea shipping on Dutch air quality


Far-reaching measures to reduce emissions caused by North Sea shipping have proven to be cost-effective in improving air quality in the Netherlands. Measures at sea are important, considering shipping’s significant contribution to air pollution in the Netherlands. Effective measures include use of low sulphur fuels and cleaner engine technology in both old and new ships.

Improvement in Dutch air quality needs effort from sea shipping too

Air pollutant emissions from the shipping in the North Sea contribute considerably to the air pollution in the Netherlands and Europe. The expected growth in shipping will lead to a pollution increase by this sector unless extra measures are taken. The importance of taking measures is again underpinned in the EU pursuance of continuation in air quality improvement. The outcome of this has led to measures being put high on the policy agendas of the International Maritime Organisation and the European Commission.

Measures in sea shipping are cost-effective

The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency has, on the request of the Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, assessed the effectiveness of emission control measures in shipping in the North Sea for Dutch regional and urban air quality in 2020. The measures include cleaner fuels and various measures for cleaner engine technology in old and new ships. This study has shown a package containing emission control measures in shipping in the North Sea to be more cost-effective than a package containing measures that might be taken in other sectors. A future cost-optimal package of extra air pollution measures will therefore cover measures for land and sea.


Hammingh P , Aben JMM , Blom WF , Jimmink BA , Vries WJ de , Visser M - Hammingh P (eds)


Publication title
Effectiveness of international emission control measures for North Sea shipping on Dutch air quality
Publication date
17 September 2007
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