Environmental costs; model and results


The, in connection with this project adapted, Environmental Information and Planning Model (Dutch acronym RIM+) enables the users to calculate environmental costs on a scale of regions (provinces). RIM+ is an instrument both for maintaining data on emissions, energy use, waste production and costs of environmental measures and using these data for calculations.

The adaption of the model took place within the boundaries of consistency between national and provincial calculations. The calculation of the environmental costs became possible with data which already was known by the RIVM. Also provincial data about the allocation of social processes (industry, traffic, agriculture) and the implementation of environmental measures has been obtained. It is both the intention of IPO and RIVM to continue this cooperation to improve the quality of costs calculations in the future.


Engelen RFJM , Feimann PFL , Oostenrijk CH


Publication title
Environmental costs; model and results
Publication date
31 May 1998
Publication type
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Product number