Environmental policy analysis, the balance made up. Methodology and use in the environmental balance of 1995, 1996 and 1997


An Environmental Balance for the Netherlands is drawn up yearly in accordance with the Environmental Management Act to describe the quality of the environment related to the environmental policy realised. In a cooperation project between RIVM, the University of Utrecht, and the Center for Clean Technology and Environmental Policy (CSTM) quantitative and qualitative methods have been developed and used to determine factors to explain the succes or failure of environmental policy.

In this report the conclusions drawn in the Environmental Balance of 1995, 1996 and 1997 are underpinned. Using a theory about the effect of policy instruments, the mix of policy instruments towards target groups has been characterized per theme and per target group. Using a correlational design with a limited number of research units, the method of comparitive policy analysis has been developed and improved over the years.

Analysing time series in the period from 1970 to 1995 it was possible to determine significant quantitative relations between the policy impuls, the pressure from society, costs and reductions of the emission factor of 44 cases (target group-substance combinations'). The effectivity of agreements between government and industrial sectors as a policy instrument is examined in more detail.


Hoek D , Quarles van Ufford CHA , Hoekstra JA , Duvoort G , Glasbergen P , Driessen PPJ , Das MC , Poorter JP de , Habermehl N , Klok PJ , Peppel RA van de , Ploeg J van de


Publication title
Environmental policy analysis, the balance made up. Methodology and use in the environmental balance of 1995, 1996 and 1997
Publication date
19 October 1998
Publication type
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Product number