Epiphytic macrolichen community correlates with modeled air pollutants and forest conditions
Novel systems combining bioindicators, models, and remote sensing are possible cost-effective methods to monitor regional-scale pollution. Epiphytic macrolichen communities have been widely used as air pollution bioindicators, however these communities are also affected by microclimate conditions as influenced by forest structure. We used the Finnish epiphytic macrolichen survey method SFS5670 to collect data in 27 spruce and birch dominated forests in southern Finland and northwestern Russia.The method measures the abundance and physiological damage of Hypogymnia physodes and Bryoria spp., and the frequency of 13 epiphytic macrolichen species of known sensitivity which can be used to calculate the widely used Index of Atmospheric Purity (IAP).
- Publication title
- Epiphytic macrolichen community correlates with modeled air pollutants and forest conditions
- Publication date
- 1 September 2009
- Publication type
- Publication
- Magazine
- Ecol Indicat 2009; 9(5):992-1000
- Product number
- 92393