Global inventory of ammonia emissions from global livestock production and fertilizer use


Ammonia is an important atmospheric pollutant with a wide variety of impacts ranging from aerosol formation, soil acidification, eutrophication, and biodiversity loss in ecosystems. One of the major global anthropogenic sources of atmospheric ammonia is animal waste generated in the production of meat, milk and other livestock products. We present a spatially explicit inventory of ammonia emission from global pastoral and mixed livestock production systems. Emissions are presented for grazing, animal houses and manure storage systems, and spreading of animal manure. We also discuss the major uncertainties in our inventory.


Bouwman AF , Beusen AHW , Hoek KW van der , Asman WAH , Drecht G van


Publication title
Global inventory of ammonia emissions from global livestock production and fertilizer use
Publication date
30 June 2006
Publication type
In: Schlesinger W, Aneja V, eds. Proceedings of the workshop on agricultural air quality: state of the science, Potomac, Maryland USA, 2006
Product number