Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Netherlands 1990-2002. National Inventory Report 2004


The National Inventory Report ‘Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Netherlands 1990-2002’ is now available. This report has been published at the request of the Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment. It documents the Netherlands’ 2004 submission of its greenhouse gas emission inventory produced annually in accordance with the European Union’s Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Mechanism and the United Nation’s Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

It was concluded that since the previous submission the emission trend has been adjusted downwards by 2% due to recalculations. From the present inventory it can be concluded that total greenhouse gas emissions were in 2002 the same as in base year 1990 (1995 for fluorinated gases). The 2002 emissions would be 3%-points more when corrected from temperature (the mild winter). Emissions of CO2 increased from 1990 to 2002 by 10%, while in the same period CH4 and N2O emissions decreased by about 32% and 7%, respectively. For the fluorinated greenhouse gases, for which 1995 is the reference year, total emissions decreased by 60%. Emissions of HFCc and PFCc decreased by 65% and 35% in 2002, respectively, while SF6 emissions increased by about 15%. Next year, other adjustments will be made, possibly of a few per cent, due to recalculations for many sources and gases carried out as the last part of the inventory improvement programme to ensure that the inventory compiles with the requirements of the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol.

Major changes from the previous National Inventory Report


Decreased CO2 emissions by 3 to 4 Tg from 1997 onwards, in particular due to revision in the manufacturing industry. Smaller changes are found in increased CH4 emissions in the early ‘90s and increased emissions from 1999 onwards mainly due to revision of landfill emissions, decreased N2O emissions due to revision in other transport, decreased HFC and PFC emissions and increased SF6 emissions. Resulting 1990 emissions increased by 0.7% and 2001 emissions decreased by 1.6%, adjusting the 1990-2001 increase from 3.8% to 2.3%. In addition, the user will find the check tables compiled from CRF data and other information spreadsheets and the (trend) tables presented in this National Inventory Report (NIR) as a supplement to this report.

Key sources

2-CO2 Other Industrial and 3-CO2 Miscellaneous: are now key; 1A3-CO2 Aircraft and 6B-CH4 Wastewater are now non-key.


Methodological changes in Section 1.4; results of the trend verification in Box 1.2 and Chapter 10 on recalculations and improvements. Recalculation sections were added for CO2 from manufacturing industry (1A2), other transport (1A3e) and other sectors (1A4); N2O from road transport (1A3b); HFC and PFCs from F-gas consumption (2F); CH4 from landfills (6A) and CO2 from other waste (6D).


Klein Goldewijk K , Olivier JGJ , Peters JAHW , Coenen PWHG , Vreuls HHJ


Publication title
Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Netherlands 1990-2002. National Inventory Report 2004
Publication date
25 May 2004
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