GUSS 1.0 software


The GISMO User Support System (GUSS) allows exploring long-term human development trends and dynamics, which have been used in the report: ‘Beyond 2015: Long-term development and the Millennium Development Goals’. These include long-term trends in population, economy and the environment, and the impacts on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The MDGs quantitative and time-bound targets are directed to reducing extreme poverty and hunger, improving basic services for people, such as health, education and a healthy environment, and creating a global partnership to enable these goals to be achieved. With GUSS, long-term MDG projections of the baseline scenario and two variants can interactively be explored. In addition, for various themes, such as poverty, health and education, more detailed background results are included.

Examples of GUSS 1.0

Figure: screenshot of startscreen GUSS 1.0 model
Figure: screenshot of GUSS 1.0 model; example of the MDGs graphs
Figure: screenshot of GUSS 1.0 model; example of world regions maps
Figure: screenshot of  GUSS 1.0 model; example of theme health, detailed results


Publication title
GUSS 1.0 software
Publication date
5 November 2009
Publication type
Product number