How climate change is impacting the Brazilian agricultural sector: evidence from a systematic literature review

Climate change is one of the biggest threats to global food security, with observed impacts already affecting agriculture. This study aims to systematize and analyze the observed biophysical impacts and their evolution in agriculture in Brazil. For this, we carry out a systematic literature review that includes 1844 articles in the first stage, and 53 articles with synthesized information retrieved. Temperature and precipitation are the most studied climate variables when considering observed climate impact on food production, with corn, soybeans, and sugarcane as the major crops assessed. We also identify regional patterns of both positive and negative trends due to climate change: 67% of assessed studies report negative impacts, 15% both negative and positive, 11% neutral relationships and only 7% reveal positive effects. 

The diversity in scope and methodological approaches across studies presents a challenge, as only a fraction sufficiently contextualizes baseline conditions, not allowing for a comprehensive understanding of impact attribution. Nonetheless, the literature spotlights productivity declines in cassava, cocoa, rice and wheat. As for corn, soybeans, and sugarcane studies reveal both positive and negative impacts, depending on baseline premises. 

The call for more transparent and comprehensive studies is urgent, especially to encompass a broader range of food crops, particularly in family farming systems and across diverse regional scales. Such studies are imperative for advancing evidence-based climate-resilient strategies in agriculture aiming to map and prevent negative impacts, while promoting positive outcomes in food production.


PBL Authors
Isabela Schmidt Tagomori
Other authors
Ana Carolina Oliveira Fiorini
Gerd Angelkorte
Tamar Bakman
Luiz Bernardo Baptista
Talita Cruz
Fabio A Diuana
Taísa Nogueira Morais
Régis Rathmann
Fábio T F da Silva
Marianne Zanon-Zotin
André F P Lucen
Alexandre Szklo
Roberto Schaeffer
Joana Portugal-Pereira


Publication title
How climate change is impacting the Brazilian agricultural sector: evidence from a systematic literature review
Publication date
19 July 2024
Publication type
Publication language
Environmental Research Letters
Volume 19, Number 8
Product number