Improving the spatial coherence of nature areas using genetic algorithms


The National Ecological Network in the Netherlands will provide a network of high-quality nature areas to improve its spatial coherence. To realize this goal in the period 1990-2018 over 1,500 square kilometers of new nature will be acquired and natural features will be enhanced.

In densely populated countries like the Netherlands free space is scarce and therefore the land prices are very high. It is thus very important that only those areas that have high potential value to improve the spatial coherence or increase the quality will be acquired. In this study we simplified the problem by using the sum of boundary lengths of all nature areas as a measure for spatial coherence. While minimising this boundary length, influence from polluting sources decreases and areas become less fragmentated. In terms of boudary length we found that the current plans in acquiring areas could be improved significantly.


Loonen W , Heuberger PSC , Bakema AH , Schot P


Publication title
Improving the spatial coherence of nature areas using genetic algorithms
Publication date
28 June 2007
Publication type
Environ Planning B: Planning & Design 2007; 34(2):369-78
Product number