Input variables for manure and ammonia data in the Environmental Balance 2001 and 2002 including dataset agricultural emissions 1980-2001


This report presents the input variables for the calculated manure and ammonia data in the annual issued Environmental Balance. The applied Manure model is developed by the Agricultural Economics Research Institute and the input data are divided into general and specific. General input data are taken from the annual agricultural census. Specific input data concern the nitrogen and phosphate excretion by the different animal categories, the ammonia volatilization rates from animal housing systems and land application systems for animal manure. Also the share of systems with a low ammonia volatilization rate is taken into account. The report follows the minerals on its routing from excretion to application on the land. Various data sources are used.situation in a particular year. This report presents the input variables for the years 1999 and 2000* (Environmental Balance 2001) and for the years 2000 and 2001* (Environmental Balance 2002). The *-sign denotes the preliminary character of the results for that year.during the period 1980 - 2000.


Hoek KW van der


Publication title
Input variables for manure and ammonia data in the Environmental Balance 2001 and 2002 including dataset agricultural emissions 1980-2001
Publication date
20 August 2002
Publication type
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Product number