Long-term reductions in costs of controlling regional air pollution in Europe due to climate policy


The aim of this study was to develop consistent scenarios of emissions, climate change and regional air pollution to enable an integrated analysis of the linkage between climate change and regional air pollution in Europe. An integrated modeling framework was developed for this purpose. The framework integrates state-of-the-art models and concepts from the area of climate change and regional air pollution and was supplemented by new modules (e.g. modeling long-term NH3 emissions in Europe, modeling dispersion and transformation of air pollutants under climate change).

Consistent climate and air pollution policies were derived, both driven by the desire to achieve certain environmental goals. According to an analysis of scenarios with various combinations of climate and regional air pollution policies the quantitatively most relevant interactions are the effect of climate change policies on the energy mix and the resulting air pollution emissions. In the long-term the global SO2 emissions are expected to decrease (again), accordingly their effect on climate will be minor. Tentatively it can be concluded that for regional air pollution the development of the air pollutant emissions is more important than the effect of climate change on the dispersion and chemical transformation of air pollutants.


T. van Harmelen, J. Bakker, B. de Vries, D. van Vuuren, M. den Elzen, P. Mayerhofer


Publication title
Long-term reductions in costs of controlling regional air pollution in Europe due to climate policy
Publication date
1 August 2002
Publication type
Environmental Science & Policy. Volume 5, Issue 4: 349-365
Product number