Making scenarios for nature policy in the Netherlands


The 'Nature Outlook 2010 - 2040' was produced by applying the scenario approach. The outlook explores some alternative directions in which nature policy may evolve in the long term and the implications of this for nature policy in the short term.

The subsequent building blocks of the scenario study enable policymakers to gradually gain insight into alternative desirable future states of nature and alternative policy-strategies to realize them. This is further stimulated by the character of the scenarios, which contain not only qualitative storylines, but also concrete images and quantita-tive information. In order to build such scenarios various methods were applied, like model calculations, scenario workshops, and design activities. By participating in the scenario study, policymakers not only provided valuable insights but also became more receptive for the results.


Ed Dammers, Arjen van Hinsberg, Janneke Vader, Wim Wiersinga


Publication title
Making scenarios for nature policy in the Netherlands
Publication date
11 July 2012
Publication type
26th AESOP Conference 2012 Proceedings, Ankara, AESOP, p. 5430 – 5444
Product number