Participatory approaches for a transition in agriculture: the case of The Netherlands


Chapter in book 'Agriculture and Climate beyond 2015'. It describes some examples of processes and methods to support transition processes. A description of the first version of an evaluation method is presented, including an analysis of the driving forces to take a specific action. Several potential actions (or options) are presented in the case of agriculture and climate as the result of a process, in which many players from NGO's, industry, agriculture and authorities took part.


Ros J , Hisschemoller M , Brouwer , Born GJ van den


Publication title
Participatory approaches for a transition in agriculture: the case of The Netherlands
Publication date
14 July 2006
Publication type
In: Brouwer F, McCarl BA, eds. Agriculture and climate beyond 2015. A new perspective on future land use patterns. New York: Springer, 2006;191-210
Product number