Rio+20 Policy Brief: An energy vision for a planet under pressure


Worldwide, global energy systems face an array of challenges, from access for the poor to reliability and security. Meanwhile, the provision of energy creates local human and ecological health impacts as well as dangerous global climate change. Addressing these issues simultaneously will require a fundamental transformation of the energy system.

A vision towards 2050

This policy brief presents a long-term vision for the energy system and describes the elements required for the transition towards this vision. To succeed, this transformation must integrate several key components, including a focus on high levels of energy efficiency and the scale up of investments in technology deployment as well as research, development and demonstration (RD&D). Recent assessments show that such a transformation is achievable in technological and economic terms, but it will present formidable supply- and demand-side challenges as well as problems of governance, transparency and reliability across scales.

United Nations conference on sustainable development (Rio+20)

Rio+20 is a joint endeavour of the entire UN System, twenty years after the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. Seven areas which need priority attention have been highlighted; these include decent jobs, energy, sustainable cities, food security and sustainable agriculture, water, oceans and disaster readiness.

Role of PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency

PBL has traditionally played a strong role in providing assessments that support international decision-making. This includes IPCC reports, the OECDs Environmental Outlooks, and the UNEP Global Environmental Outlooks. The latest editions of the last two will be published in 2012 as part of the preparations for Rio+20. PBL also will publish its own assessment for Rio+20, at the end of May. That report will focus on pathways towards achieving internationally agreed goals and targets of sustainable development.

More information

RIO+20 Policy Brief number 8


D.P. van Vuuren, N. Nakicenovic, K. Rianhi, A. Brew-Hammond, D.M. Kammen, V. Modi, M. Nilsson and K.R. Smith


Publication title
Rio+20 Policy Brief: An energy vision for a planet under pressure
Publication date
13 April 2012
Publication type
Product number