RS-Land cover based environmental monitoring in Europe. Progress report on the applicability of NOAA-AVHRR 1-km data for small scale land cover mapping. Final report part 1


The main objective of the study was to find out whether the multi-spectral and multi-temporal classification of AVHRR satelite data could lead to an operational method to establish a 1-km pan-European Land Cover Database for environmental monitoring.

The classification methodology was applied to a vast area including France and direct surroundings. Major conclusions are: decision keys should be developed that exploit both the use of multi-temporal composites and multi-spectral data ; the current classification method allows only distinction of main land cover types ; due to the mixed pixel problem the contents of an AVHRR derived land cover class can differ substantially over Europe ; the main advantages of AVHRR derived land cover data for environmental monitoring at a European scale are its high spatial detail and its consistent quality - the main disadvantage is the absence of specific classes, such as permanent crops, which is a very important class for calculations of pesticide loads.


Mucher CA , Veldkamp JG , Katwijk VF van , Nieuwenhuis GJA , Velde RJ van de


Publication title
RS-Land cover based environmental monitoring in Europe. Progress report on the applicability of NOAA-AVHRR 1-km data for small scale land cover mapping. Final report part 1
Publication date
31 December 1996
Publication type
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Product number