The potential role of hydrogen energy in India and Western Europe


Hydrogen energy is often mentioned as a potential solution for several challenges that the global energy system is facing. The first advantage is the fact that hydrogen use results in nearly zero emissions at end-use, thus improving air quality. Secondly, hydrogen opens up the possibility of (decentralised) production on the basis of a variety of fuels, diversifying energy supply. The latter may contribute to reduce the dependence on imported oil. Hydrogen energy can also play an important role in the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions. However, the required technology is currently only emerging, hydrogen is still more expensive than other options and the infrastructure for widespread use still needs to be developed.


We used the TIMER energy model to explore the potential role of hydrogen in the energy systems of India and Western Europe, looking at the impacts on its main incentives: climate policy, energy security and urban air pollution. We found that hydrogen will not play a major role in both regions without considerable cost reductions, mainly in fuel cell technology. Also, energy taxation policy is essential for hydrogen penetration and India's lower energy taxes limit India's capacity to favour hydrogen. Once available to the (European) energy system, hydrogen can decrease the cost of CO2 emission reduction by increasing the potential for carbon capture technology.

However, climate policy alone is insufficient to speed up the transition. Hydrogen diversifies energy imports; especially for Europe it decreases oil imports, while increasing imports of coal and natural gas. For India, it provides an opportunity to decrease oil imports and use indigenous coal resources in the transport sector. Hydrogen improves urban air quality by shifting emissions from urban transport to hydrogen production facilities. However, for total net emissions we found a sensitive trade-off between lower emissions at end-use (in transport) and higher emissions from hydrogen production, depending on local policy for hydrogen production facilities.


Ruijven B van , Hari L , Vuuren DP van , Vries B de


Publication title
The potential role of hydrogen energy in India and Western Europe
Publication date
28 April 2008
Publication type
Energy Policy 2008; 36(5):1649-65
Product number