Towards a long-term European strategy on climate change policy


One of the key challenges facing European policymakers today is developing a politically credible and economically progressive post-2012 climate policy regime. Over the course of two workshops organized by NEAA/RIVM and the Tyndall Centre in autumn 2004, ten articles were presented by leading European scientists to facilitate discussion on Europe’s role in this changing international climate policy arena. The timing of the workshops came at the start of the process of intensifying the intergovernmental role of science in shaping and guiding the climate debate after 2012.


Winne S , Haxeltine A , Kersten W , Berk M


Publication title
Towards a long-term European strategy on climate change policy
Publication date
16 July 2005
Publication type
Climate Policy 2005; 5(3):244-50
Product number