Using scenarios for environmental, nature and spatial planning policy

Guidance Document

PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency has published the guidance document Using scenarios for environmental, nature and spatial planning policy, in addition to a guidance document on building such scenarios. This guidance document gives an overview of the successive steps of using scenarios in policy-making, the choices to be made during each step and the possibilities and limitations involved in those choices. The document is based on PBL’s experience in facilitating the use of scenarios on national, local, European and global levels.

Key steps in using scenarios

The guidance document provides an overview of the steps to be taken when using scenarios in policy-making. The document also pays attention to the choice of using scenarios or other methods for exploring the future. In addition, it deals with the various areas of application, such as vision building, transition governance, adaptive management and cost-benefit analysis. Furthermore, it also addresses how to select the means of communication, such as workshops, videos and serious games. Finally, the guidance document deals with defining the various roles for scenario producers, such as those of issue advocate, honest broker or participation expert.

Useful for various target groups

The guidance document primarily focuses on staff members of international organisations involved in environmental, nature and spatial planning policy and national and local authorities, advisory bodies, civil society organisations, and companies who are interested in using scenarios. In addition, the document may be of interest to universities, research institutes, consultancy firms and design companies who build scenarios and wish to facilitate their use.


PBL Authors
Ed Dammers
Other authors
Susan van ’t Klooster
Bert de Wit


Publication title
Using scenarios for environmental, nature and spatial planning policy
Publication subtitle
a guidance document
Publication date
30 September 2019
Publication type
Page count
Publication language
Product number