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Opening up the societal debate on climate engineering: how newspaper frames are changing

The use of climate engineering or geoengineering technologies to combat climate change has been a controversial topic, even in the scientific debate. In recent studies, it has been claimed that the…

Use and effectiveness of economic instruments in the decarbonisation of passenger cars

The European Commission aims at a 60% reduction in CO 2 emissions from transport by 2050 compared to 1990 levels. The Commission stresses that the decarbonisation of the transport sector depends…

Greenhouse gas emission reduction targets for 2030

A greenhouse gas reduction target of 40% below 1990 levels for 2030 for the European Union, to be achieved within Europe, would not necessarily be sufficient for achieving the target of limiting…

The global carbon budget 1959 - 2011

Accurate assessment of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions and their redistribution among the atmosphere, ocean, and terrestrial biosphere is important to better understand the global…

Evaluation of the European Commission’s proposal to set aside emission allowances

A set-aside of CO 2 allowances would reduce the current oversupply in the European Emissions Trading System (ETS). This would result in temporary higher CO 2 prices. However, a literature study has…

Greenhouse gas emission reduction proposals and national climate policies of major economies

Since the climate negotiations that took place in Copenhagen, in 2009, many countries have submitted quantitative economy-wide greenhouse gas emission reduction targets, proposals, and actions for…

The Emissions Gap Report 2012

Scaling up and accelerating action on climate change without delay will reduce the risk that keeping global average temperature rise below 2 °C becomes an unrealistic prospect. The Emissions Gap…

CO2 emissions from fuel combustion, 2012 Edition

To show the changes in energy-related CO 2 emission in response to economic and policy developments, this annual reference publication by the International Energy Agency (IEA) describes the trends in…

Improving National-Scale Carbon Stock Inventories Using Knowledge on Land Use History

National-scale inventories of soil organic carbon (SOC) and forest floor carbon (FFC) stocks have a high uncertainty. Inventories are often based on the interpolation of sampled information, often…

The Netherlands in 2040: A country of regions - Spatial Outlook 2011

For many years spatial and transport planning has been a process of guiding and directing growth. Population, housing stock, jobs and kilometres travelled more or less continuously increased for…