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Exploration of pathways towards a clean economy by 2050: How to realise a climate-neutral Netherlands

The Netherlands is capable of achieving an 80 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. This is possible by implementing a mix of reduced energy demand, use of biomass, carbon capture and…

Houdini: a system dynamics model for housing market reforms

This paper describes work in progress on Houdini: a system dynamics model of the Dutch housing market focused on explaining institutional structures leading to high price increases and obstructing new…

EU Resource efficiency perspectives in a global context

Resource Efficiency is one of the flagship projects of the European Commission. On this subject, the expected global development of five related aspects has been mapped by the PBL: energy, land use…

Bridging the Emissions Gap

Cutting emissions by 2020 to a level that could keep a global, 21st century temperature rise under two degrees Celsius is technologically and economically feasible, according to a comprehensive study…

A community-based framework for aquatic ecosystem models

Here, we communicate a point of departure in the development of aquatic ecosystem models, namely a new community-based framework, which supports an enhanced and transparent union between the…

Climate policy after Kyoto – Analytical insights into key issues in the climate negotiations

Limiting global warming to 2 °C above pre-industrial levels is the objective agreed on in international climate negotiations. Due to upward revisions of greenhouse gas emission projections in emerging…

Forks in the Road - Alternative routes for international climate policies

Several scenarios are possible for future international climate policies, each with a different role in the climate negotiations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC…

Modelling global livestock diversity - A fuzzy cognitive mapping approach

For modelling global trends in agrobiodiversity better insight in the relationship between drivers (and related pressures) and agrobiodiversity is needed. In a previous study of the authors a number…

Emission pathways consistent with a 2 degree Celsius global temperature limit

As part of the current climate negotiations, it has been agreed that countries should aim to keep the rise of global mean temperature to a maximum of two degree Celsius, compared to pre-industrial…

Trends report 'The energetic society. In search of a governance philosophy for a clean economy'

The existing powers of creativity and innovation within society offer opportunities for ‘green growth’. Mobilising this energetic society demands adjustment of the way national government thinks and…