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Effects of variants of target surpluses on the quality of surface water in the Netherlands

This study explores the effects of a number of variants for target N and P surpluses on the ecological state (eutrophication) of surface waters for the purpose of informing policy-makers.

Emissions of plant protection products to the environment. Evaluation of the policy goals of the Long-term Crop Protection Plan

The long-term crop protection programme (MJP-G) of the Netherlands aimed for the period 1990 - 2000 a.o. at 50 to 90 % reduction of emissions of plant protection products to the environment. The…

Modelling emissions trading and abatement costs in FAIR 1.1 - Case study: the Kyoto Protocol under the Bonn-Marrakesh Agreement

This report describes the cost model of the FAIR 1.1 model (Framework to Assess International Regimes for differentiation of future commitments). The cost model has been used in our earlier analysis…

Environmental Balance 2002

Environmental Balance 2002 describes trends in the environment in the Netherlands and the effectiveness of the policies pursued. It also evaluates the degree to which the stated goals of environmental…

Towards an equitable global climate change regime

Towards an equitable global climate change regime: compatibility with Article 2 of the Climate Change Convention and the link with sustainable development.We present some evidence that shifting the…

Input variables for manure and ammonia data in the Environmental Balance 2001 and 2002 including dataset agricultural emissions 1980-2001

This report presents the input variables for the calculated manure and ammonia data in the annual issued Environmental Balance. The applied Manure model is developed by the Agricultural Economics…

Global Patterns of Dissolved Inorganic and Particulate Nitrogen Inputs to Coastal Systems

The model results indicate the widely uneven geographic distribution of human activities and rates of nitrogen input to coastal systems at the watershed, latitudinal, and regional-continental scales…

An integrated assessment of regional air pollution and climate change

The results of the AIR-CLIM project have been published in a series of articles. This EU-funded project developed consistent long-term scenarios looking into the linkages between acidification…

Critical climate change as an approach to assess climate change impacts in Europe: development and application

This paper presents a new methodology called the “critical climate change” approach for evaluating policies for reducing climate change impacts on natural ecosystems.

Long-term reductions in costs of controlling regional air pollution in Europe due to climate policy

The aim of this study was to develop consistent scenarios of emissions, climate change and regional air pollution to enable an integrated analysis of the linkage between climate change and regional…