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Including CO2 implications of land occupation in LCAs-method and example for livestock products

Until recently, life cycle assessments (LCAs) have only addressed the direct greenhouse gas emissions along a process chain, but ignored the CO 2 emissions of landuse. However, for agricultural…

Preferences for alternative fuel vehicles of lease car drivers in The Netherlands

In this paper we aim to get insight into preferences of Dutch lease car drivers for alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) and their characteristics. We perform a state-of-the-art conjoint analysis, based…

A choice experiment on afv preferences of private car owners in The Netherlands

In this paper we aim to get insight into preferences of Dutch private car owners for alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) and their characteristics. We perform a state-of-the-art conjoint analysis, based…

Cobenefits of climate and air pollution regulations

In 2011, the European Commission published its roadmap towards a competitive low-carbon economy for 2050. For this roadmap the possibilities of a far-reaching reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in…

Global travel within the 2 degree Celsius climate target

Long-term scenarios generally project a steep increase in global travel demand, leading to an rapid rise in CO 2 emissions. Major driving forces are the increasing car use in developing countries and…

Greening the CAP: An analysis of the effects of the European Commission’s proposals for the Common Agricultural Policy 2014–2020

The impact of the proposed greening measures of the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) on the sustainable development of agriculture appears to be relatively small. Member States must assign 30…

Evaluation of the Dutch policy document on sustainable crop protection

Water quality has improved due to legislation on crop protection. However, policy objectives for ecological quality of surface waters and drinking water, as set in the Dutch policy document on…

PBL Note Sustainability of biomass in a bio-based economy

The conversion of the present European economy based on fossil fuels into a more bio-based economy will probably be restricted to about 10 per cent of final energy and feedstock consumption in 2030…

Harvesting Transition? Energy Policy Cooperation or Competition around the North Sea

The Northwest European electricity markets are increasingly becoming intertwined with the advance of the internal market. This implies that national fuel mix policies increasingly have cross-national…

Environmental policy evaluation: experiences in the Netherlands

Over time, the selection of environmental indicators that policymakers consider to be relevant is subject to change. The indicators preferred by policymakers are influenced by the prevailing framing…