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Greenhouse gas emissions in the Netherlands 1990 - 1995. Methodology and data for 1994 and provisional data for 1995

The inventory presented in this report complies with the obligations under the European Union's Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Mechanism and the UN-FCCC for emission reports on all greenhouse gases not…

Land use and cover change as an overarching topic in the Dutch national research programme on global air pollution and climate change. Issues for implementation

The integration study 'Land Use and Cover Change as an overarching topic in the Dutch National Research Programme on Global Air Pollution and Climate Change (NRP)' aims at identifying research fields…

Vulnerability of Human Population Health to Climate Change: state-of-knowledge and future research directions

Health effects of global climate change may include an increase in: heat-related mortality and morbidity, infectious diseases, particularly those that are vector-borne, and malnutrition and…

Transport scenarios for the Netherlands for 2030. A description of the scenarios for the OECD project 'Environmental Sustainable Transport'

The Environmental Sustainable Transport (EST) project contains a business-as-usual scenario and three EST scenarios: one 'high-technology' scenario containing only technological changes, one 'capacity…

Long-range Atmospheric Transport of Persistent Organic Pollutants, I: Description of surface-atmosphere exchange modules and implementation in EUROS

Concerns a description of a model for the exchange of gaseous Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP) at land and sea surfaces and its application in the Eulerian air pollution transport model EUROS.

Urban Air Quality Assessment Model UAQAM

The Urban Air Quality Assessment Model (UAQAM) calculates the city concentration caused by city emissions themselves, the so-called city background concentration. Three versions of the model for…

Evaluation of the Netherlands Groundwater Model, LGM, for calculating pathlines, travel times and concentration at abstraction wells

The merits of the quasi-three-dimensional RIVM groundwater model, LGM (version 2) were evaluated for the calculation of pathlines, travel times and solute breakthrough curves at abstraction wells. The…

Scenarios for economy and environment in Central and Eastern Europe

In 1993 an integrated assessment of the economic scenarios of Central and Eastern European countries, as developed by the World Bank, was carried out, primarily for emissions, deposition and…

The Targets/IMage Energy (TIME) 1.0 Model

Documentation of the five submodels of Targets/IMage Energy (TIME) 1.0 model are presented. Energy Demand, Liquid Fuel (LF), Gaseous Fuel (GF), Solid Fuel (SF) and Electric Power Generation (EPG) are…

Fertility change in India

Background and purpose: This report on fertility change in India presents the results of a project on integrated population modelling initiated by the National Institute of Public Health and…