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Biomass residues as twenty-first century bioenergy feedstock—a comparison of eight integrated assessment models

In the twenty-first century, modern bioenergy could become one of the largest sources of energy, partially replacing fossil fuels and contributing to climate change mitigation. Agricultural and…

Archaeological assessment reveals Earth’s early transformation through land use

Environmentally transformative human use of land accelerated with the emergence of agriculture, but the extent, trajectory, and implications of these early changes are not well understood. An…

Decarbonisation options for the Dutch sugar industry

This report on decarbonisation options for the Dutch sugar industry is part of the MIDDEN project (Manufacturing Industry Decarbonisation Data Exchange Network) initiated by PBL and ECN part of TNO…

Decarbonisation options for the Dutch paper and board industry

This report on decarbonisation options for the paper and board industry is part of the MIDDEN project (Manufacturing Industry Decarbonisation Data Exchange Network) initiated by PBL and ECN part of…

The Multiple Roles of ICLEI: Intermediating to Innovate Urban Biodiversity Governance

Aligning strategic environmental planning at local levels with the implementation of global goals is growing more relevant. ICLEI, the global network of local governments for sustainability, has…

Not all carbon dioxide emission scenarios are equally likely: a subjective expert assessment

Climate researchers use carbon dioxide emission scenarios to explore alternative climate futures and potential impacts, as well as implications of mitigation and adaptation policies. Often, these…

The role of the discount rate for emission pathways and negative emissions

The importance of the discount rate in cost-benefit analysis of long term problems, such as climate change, has been widely acknowledged. However, the choice of the discount rate is hardly discussed…

Mid-century emission pathways in Japan associated with the global 2 °C goal: national and global models’ assessments based on carbon budgets

This study assesses Japan’s mid-century low-emission pathways using both national and global integrated assessment models in the common mitigation scenario framework, based on the carbon budgets…

The vulnerabilities of agricultural land and food production to future water scarcity

Rapidly increasing populations coupled with increased food demand requires either an expansion of agricultural land or sufficient production gains from current resources. However, in a changing world…

The implications of re-exports for gravity equation estimation, NAFTA and Brexit

This paper illustrates the importance of taking into account re-exports. It shows that not taking into account re-exports causes estimates from the gravity model (the standard economic trade model) to…