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Competing uses of biomass for energy and chemicals: Implications for long-term global CO2 mitigation potential

Biomass is considered a low carbon source for various energy or chemical options. This paper assesses it′s different possible uses, the competition between these uses, and the implications for long…

Land management implications for ecosystem services in a South African rangeland

In South Africa, restoration and sustainable management of historically overgrazed and degraded range-lands are promoted to increase biodiversity and ecosystem service provision. This study evaluates…

Persistent growth of CO2 emissions and implications for reaching climate targets

Efforts to limit climate change below a given temperature level require that global emissions of CO 2 cumulated over time remain below a limited quota. This quota varies depending on the temperature…

Sharing a quota on cumulative carbon emissions

Any limit on future global warming is associated with a quota on cumulative global CO 2 emissions. We translate this global carbon quota to regional and national scales, on a spectrum of sharing…

Global carbon budget 2014

The Global Carbon Project (GCP) was established in 2001 in recognition of the large scientific challenges and critical nature of the carbon cycle for Earth's sustainability. The scientific goal of the…

Air pollution policy in Europe: Quantifying the interaction with greenhouse gases and climate change policies

This paper uses the computable general equilibrium model WorldScan to analyse interactions between EU's air pollution and climate change policies. Covering the entire world and seven EU countries…

REDD credits in a global carbon market: Options and impacts

A number of issues have to be addressed if reducing emissions from deforestation (REDD) credits are to be included in a future global carbon market. This report focuses on a subset of these: the…

Aspects influencing the roles of PBL researchers working at the science and environmental policy interface. An illustration from PBL practice.

PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency produces policy relevant knowledge for national authorities on a sound scientific basis. The institute has a specific role in the scientific advisory…

Global long-term cost dynamics of offshore wind electricity generation

Using the IMAGE/TIMER (The Targets IMage Energy Regional) long-term integrated assessment model, this paper explores the regional and global potential of offshore wind to contribute to global…

Regional Quality of Living in Europe

A Regional Quality of Living Index (RQI) was developed for benchmarking European regions. This RQI for non-business-related indicators may help to improve the attractiveness of regions, thus…