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MARKAL-IO Linking an input-output model with MARKAL

This report deals with E3-models to study the relationship between energy, economy and the environment. Since energy policies to reduce CO 2 emissions can have major economic impacts, it is important…

Municipal climate change policies: A case study for Amsterdam

This report provides insight to the local policy options with respect to climate change, in this case within the sphere of influence of Amsterdam local authorities.

LGMCAD, a Solute Transport Module of the Groundwater Model for the Netherlands. User's Manual

This report describes the input files for the program LGMCAD, which is the solute transport module of the National Groundwater Model for the Netherlands (LGM). Additionally, several accompanying…

Evaluating the methane budget in Europe using inverse modelling

The Kalman filter is used as a data-assimilation technique to calculate methane concentrations and emissions in Europe. The filter combines the results of model calculations and measurements to…

Resolving Issues on Terrestrial Biospheric Sinks in the Kyoto Protocol

In the Kyoto Protocol all Annex I countries have agreed to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions by a certain percentage compared to 1990 level in 2008-2012. Several direct human-induced activities…

Sectoral emission inventories of greenhouse gases for 1990 on a per country basis as well as on 1ox1o

A set of global greenhouse gas emission inventories has been compiled per source category for the 1990 annual emissions of the direct greenhouse gases CO 2 , CH 4 and N 2 O, as well as of the indirect…

Calculation and Mapping of Critical Thresholds in Europe: Status Report 1999

This report is the fifth in a bi-annual series prepared by the Coordination Center for Effects (CCE) to document the progress made in calculating and mapping critical thresholds in Europe. The CCE, as…

Research contributions for assessment of the state and evolution of the global environment

A Global Environment Assessment workshop was held in Brussels on September 15 and 16, 1998. During the preparation of policy-oriented reports of GEO, several gaps in data and expertise had been…

Data Issues of Global Environmental Reporting: Experiences form GEO-2000

The report highlights major problems encountered when trying to derive policy-relevant environmental information from underlying core data sets. Major data gaps and shortcomings are identified for…

AIRFORCE: Aircraft influences and radiative forcing from emissions

Global air traffic has increased extensively during the last few decades and is expected to increase further over the next 20 years by about 5-6% per year. Emissions of trace gases such as carbon…