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Local and global consequences of the EU renewable directive for biofuels. Testing the sustainability criteria

The climate has more to gain from converting biomass into electricity, than to use it to replace petrol or diesel. Therefore, proposals to replace current transport fuels by biofuels are not the best…

The Triptych approach revisited: A staged sectoral approach for climate mitigation

The focus of attention in international climate negotiations is to strengthen the international framework for the years following the Kyoto Protocol's initial commitment period, i.e. after 2012. The…

European characterization factors for human health damage of PM10 and ozone in life cycle impact assessment

This paper presents characterization factors (CFs) for human health effects of fine particulate (PM 10 ) and ozone in Europe for the purpose of life cycle impact assessment. The CFs express the change…

Eururalis 2.0

The future of Europe’s rural areas will largely be determined by autonomous global driving forces like macroeconomic growth and demographic developments. This is the outcome of EUruralis 2.0, a study…

Sustainable production and consumption, an assessment for the Netherlands

Poverty, climate change and loss of biodiversity are among the key issues in relation to global sustainable development. The Netherlands is tightly embedded in a global network of economic relations…

Impacts of the Euro VI heavy duty emission standard for the Netherlands

The Euro VI proposal of the European Commission specifies the new emission standards for trucks and busses. In the Netherlands, the Euro VI emission standards will lead to local improvements in air…

Work program 2008

A function of the Netherlands Environment Assessment Agency (MNP) is to provide support in seeking a political and societal balance between economic, ecological, spatial and socio-cultural qualities…

EU 2020 climate target: 20% reduction requires five-fold increase in impact of CO2 policies

MNP has estimated that without environmental policies in the EU between 1990 and 2005, emissions of the six greenhouse gases under the Kyoto Protocol would have been approximately 7 % higher in 2005…

International perspectives

This journal paper contains a statement which is the result of discussions held at the 2005 NERAM IV Colloquium “International Perspectives on Air Quality: Risk Management Principles for Policy…

Critical loads of nitrogen and dynamic modelling, CCE Progress Report 2007

The risk of deposition of nutrient nitrogen in Europe, including Natura 2000 areas, is underpinned by a novel compilation of empirical critical loads and uncertainty analysis inspired by the IPCC…