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Bioenergy in energy transformation and climate management

This study explores the importance of bioenergy to potential future energy transformation and climate change management. Using a large inter-model comparison of 15 models, we comprehensively…

CO2 emission mitigation and fossil fuel markets: Dynamic and international aspects of climate policies

This paper explores a multi-model scenario ensemble to assess the impacts of idealized and non-idealized climate change stabilization policies on fossil fuel markets. Under idealized conditions…

Regional Competitiveness and Smart Specialisation in Europe

This report may be used as a tool in the design of sound regional development strategies and provides essential information to policymakers and development practitioners. Regions differ from each…

Locked into Copenhagen pledges — Implications of short-term emission targets for the cost and feasibility of long-term climate goals

This paper provides an overview of the AMPERE modeling comparison project with focus on the implications of near-term policies for the costs and attainability of long-term climate objectives. Nine…

Climate and socio-economic scenarios for climate change research and assessment: reconciling the new with the old

A suggestion for mapping the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES) illustrative scenarios onto the new scenarios framework of representative concentration pathways (RCPs) and shared socio…

Assessment of climate and energy policies of major emitting countries

Since the 2009 climate negotiations in Copenhagen, many countries and regions have submitted quantitative economy-wide greenhouse gas emission reduction proposals and actions for 2020. The pledged…

Global Carbon Budget 2013

Accurate assessment of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions and their redistribution among the atmosphere, ocean, and terrestrial biosphere is important to better understand the global…

The impact of near-term climate policy choices on technology and emission transition pathways

This paper explores the implications of delays (to 2030) in implementing optimal policies for long-term transition pathways to limit climate forcing to 450 ppm CO 2 equivalent on the basis of the…

The Future Demand for Industrial Sites in the Netherlands: Is Employment a Good Predictor?

The future demand for industrial sites in the Netherlands: is employment a good predictor, Regional Studies. Popular forecasting models for long-term planning of industrial sites assume a strong…

Implications of alternative assumptions regarding future air pollution control in scenarios similar to the Representative Concentration Pathways

The uncertain, future development of emissions of short-lived trace gases and aerosols forms a key factor for future air quality and climate forcing. The Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs)…