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Mapping the climate change challenge

Discussions on a long-term global goal to limit climate change, in the form of an upper limit to warming, were only partially resolved at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change…

Drivers and patterns of land biosphere carbon balance reversal

The carbon balance of the land biosphere is the result of complex interactions between land, atmosphere and oceans, including climatic change, carbon dioxide fertilization and land-use change. While…

Evaluation of the Dutch Implementation of the Nitrates Directive, the Water Framework Directive and the National Emission Ceilings Directive

There is a strong overlap between the general protection goals of the Nitrates Directive, the Water Framework Directive and the National Emission Ceilings Directive; however, policies to implement the…

Dealing with long-term policy problems: Making sense of the interplay between meaning and power

This introductory paper shows how explicating the interaction between meaning and power helps us to explain the successes of some cases of long-term policy making, for instance in the domain of…

Puzzling, powering and perpetuating: Long-term decision-making by the Dutch Delta Committee

Long term policy issues like climate change adaptation are considered wicked in the sense that uncertain knowledge and volatile societal understandings associated to the issue might jeopardize long…

Trends in Global Vegetation Activity and Climatic Drivers Indicate a Decoupled Response to Climate Change

Detailed understanding of a possible decoupling between climatic drivers of plant productivity and the response of ecosystems vegetation is required. We compared trends in six NDVI metrics (1982–2010)…

Management options for restoring estuarine dynamics and implications for ecosystems: A quantitative approach for the Southwest Delta in the Netherlands

The Delta Works protect against flooding, but simultaneously cause environmental and socio-economic problems. We explore the consequences of management options and their implications for the…

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats: A SWOT analysis of the ecosystem services framework

The ecosystem services concept is a cornerstone of contemporary sustainability thought. Challenges with this concept and its applications are well documented, but have not been systematically assessed…

Global drivers of future river flood risk

Understanding global future river flood risk is a prerequisite for the quantification of climate change impacts and planning effective adaptation strategies. Existing global flood risk projections…

Adaptation to climate change in the Netherlands - Studying related risks and opportunities

The Netherlands, similar to many other countries, is vulnerable to climate change. With its new Delta Programme, the Dutch Government has made an important step forward towards national climate…