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Decarbonisation options for the Dutch paper and board industry

This report on decarbonisation options for the paper and board industry is part of the MIDDEN project (Manufacturing Industry Decarbonisation Data Exchange Network) initiated by PBL and ECN part of…

The Multiple Roles of ICLEI: Intermediating to Innovate Urban Biodiversity Governance

Aligning strategic environmental planning at local levels with the implementation of global goals is growing more relevant. ICLEI, the global network of local governments for sustainability, has…

From visions to scenarios for nature and nature’s contributions to people for the 21st century: workshop report

PBL co-organised a workshop to build on the Nature Futures Framework, developed by the IPBES scenarios and models expert group, which serves to discuss future visions based on how people value nature…

Mid-century emission pathways in Japan associated with the global 2 °C goal: national and global models’ assessments based on carbon budgets

This study assesses Japan’s mid-century low-emission pathways using both national and global integrated assessment models in the common mitigation scenario framework, based on the carbon budgets…

The vulnerabilities of agricultural land and food production to future water scarcity

Rapidly increasing populations coupled with increased food demand requires either an expansion of agricultural land or sufficient production gains from current resources. However, in a changing world…

Opportunities for the Action Agenda for Nature and People

The ‘Action Agenda for Nature and People’ of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has potential to become a powerful vehicle for increasing the ambition level of global biodiversity policy…

Beyond the emission gap

This policy brief presents insights that can be derived from the gap indicators in the ‘global stocktake’ dynamic web tool. We know that there is a global emissions gap, as current policies on the…

Taking some heat off the NDCs? The limited potential of additional short-lived climate forcers’ mitigation

Several studies have shown that the greenhouse gas reduction resulting from the current nationally determined contributions (NDCs) will not be enough to meet the overall targets of the Paris Climate…

Future impacts of environmental factors on achieving the SDG target on child mortality-A synergistic assessment

An estimated 26% of current global child deaths can be attributed to various and modifiable environmental factors, which are addressed under multiple Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This study…

GHG mitigation policies in major emitting countries: an overview of recently adopted policies

This document presents an overview of climate and energy policies mostly adopted between July 2018 and May 2019 in 25 countries and regions. The policy information compiled by NewClimate Institute…