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National contributions to climate change mitigation from agriculture: allocating a global target

Globally, agriculture and related land use change contributed about 17% of the world’s anthropogenic GHG emissions in 2010 (8.4 GtCO 2 e yr −1 ), making GHG mitigation in the agriculture sector…

Trade-offs and synergies between universal electricity access and climate change mitigation in Sub-Saharan Africa

Access to electricity services is fundamental to development, as it enables improvements to the quality of human life. At the same time, increasing electricity access can have notable consequences for…

Unpacking the nexus: Different spatial scales for water, food and energy

Recent years have shown increased awareness that the use of the basic resources water, food, and energy are highly interconnected (referred to as a ‘nexus’). Spatial scales are an important but…

Exploring SSP land-use dynamics using the IMAGE model: Regional and gridded scenarios of land-use change and land-based climate change mitigation

Projected increases in population, income and consumption rates are expected to lead to rising pressure on the land system. Ambitions to limit global warming to 2 °C or even 1.5 °C could also lead to…

Understanding the social geographies of urban regions

Economic restructuring and changing demographic and migration patterns have significantly altered the composition of the population in urban regions. Although there is evidence of employees in various…

National Energy Outlook 2017

Renewable energy generation and energy saving are increasing, energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions are decreasing. However, various targets for energy and climate for 2020, will not be…

Trends in global CO2 and total greenhouse gas emissions: 2017 report

CO 2 emissions and total global greenhouse gas emissions are reported for 2016. Total global greenhouse gas emissions continued to increase by about 0.5% in 2016, reaching 49.3 gigatonnes in CO 2…

Nitrogen leaching from natural ecosystems under global change: a modelling study

To study global nitrogen (N) leaching from natural ecosystems under changing N deposition, climate, and atmospheric CO 2 , we performed a factorial model experiment for the period 1901–2006 with the N…

Global partnerships for inclusive and sustainable agricultural development

It is crucial that, over the next decades, substantial investments are made in agricultural productivity improvement and food security in the developing world. Public–private partnerships are to play…

Perspectives on the Future of Nature in Europe: Visualisation

During the development of the perspectives on European nature, for the Nature Outlook project, several visualisation techniques were combined: photographs, icons, thematic maps, artist impressions…