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Analyzing the Kyoto Protocol under the Marrakesh Accords

The US withdrawal has by far the greatest impact in reducing the environmental effectiveness of the Kyoto Protocol, whereas the impact of the decision on sinks is comparatively small.

Attainment of EU NO2 standards in the Netherlands

The yearly mean EU-NO 2 limit value will, according to the EC scenario of the CPB, still be exceeded in 2010 under average meteorological conditions. Exceedance will mainly take place along motorways…

Exploring Climate Regimes for Differentiation of Future Commitments to Stabilise Greenhouse Gas Concentrations

This paper aims at exploring the implications of various international climate regimes for differentiating future commitments.

Modeling global annual N2O and NO emissions from fertilized fields

In this paper, information from 846 N 2 O emission measurements in agricultural fields and 99 measurements for NO emissions was used to describe the influence of various factors regulating emissions…

An evaluation of the level of ambition and implications of the Bush Climate Change Initiative

This article summarises the results of an evaluation of the Climate Change Initiative launched by President Bush in February 2002.

A Global Analysis of Acidification and Eutrophication of Terrestrial Ecosystems

This paper presents an explorative, quantitative analysis of acidification and eutrophication of natural terrestrial ecosystems caused by excess sulfur (S) and nitrogen (N) deposition.

Sinks as an option to meet CO2 emission reduction targets in Europe

The Kyoto Protocol makes provisions in its article 3.3, 3.4, 6 and 12 for the Annex I countries to take into account land-use, land-use change and forestry (sinks) activities in order to accomplish…

Lay discourses of the rural and stated and revealed preferences for rural living. Some evidence of the existence of a rural idyll in the Netherlands

Dutch rural areas have changed into a post-modern countryside and have become marketable commodities. The demand for rural space and rural amenities has increased, with concomitant tensions on the…

Emissions of N2O and NO from fertilized fields: summary of available measurement data

In this paper, information from 846 N 2 O emission measurements in agricultural fields and 99 measurements for NO emissions was used to describe the influence of various factors regulating emissions…

International Carbon Accounting of Harvested Wood Products: Evaluation of two models for the quantification of wood products related emissions and removals

At the moment three alternative approaches for estimating emissions and removals of CO 2 from forest harvesting and wood products are under discussion. These are atmospheric flow approach, stock…