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Stakeholder-designed scenarios for global food security assessments

To guide policymaking, decision makers require a good understanding of the long-term drivers of food security and their interactions. Scenario analysis is widely considered as the appropriate tool to…

Decarbonisation options for the Dutch PVC industry

This report on decarbonisation options for the Dutch PVC industry is part of the MIDDEN project (Manufacturing Industry Decarbonisation Data Exchange Network) initiated by PBL and ECN part of TNO. The…

Multiple dimensions of residential segregation. The case of the metropolitan area of Amsterdam

In this contribution, we analyze residential segregation not just on the basis of dimensions of migration background and income but also according to educational level, class fractions, labor market…

A framework for nitrogen futures in the shared socioeconomic pathways

Humanity's transformation of the nitrogen cycle has major consequences for ecosystems, climate and human health, making it one of the key environmental issues. Understanding how trends could evolve…

How to halt the global decline of lands

The assessment of land degradation and restoration by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services shows that land degradation across the globe is a wide and…

Analysing international shipping and aviation emission projections

This report presents an analysis of published emission projections of Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) and other, sectoral, models. At the moment, international aviation and shipping are…

The generation of gridded emissions data for CMIP6

Spatially distributed anthropogenic and open burning emissions are fundamental data needed by Earth system models. We describe the methods used for generating gridded datasets produced for use by the…

Trends in Global CO2 and Total Greenhouse Gas emissions; 2019 report

Global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have increased at 1.5% per year, over the last decade, with only a slight slowdown from 2014 to 2016. In 2018, the growth in global greenhouse gas emissions…

Aquaculture Production is a Large, Spatially Concentrated Source of Nutrients in Chinese Freshwater and Coastal Seas

Chinese aquaculture production accounts for over half of the global aquaculture production and has increased by 50% since 2006. There is growing concern about eutrophication caused by aquaculture in…

Energy use in the global food system

The global food system is a major energy user and a relevant contributor to climate change. To date, the literature on the energy profile of food systems addresses individual countries and/or food…