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Transport Innovations: An Inventory of Future Developments in Transportation

Transport is an significant contributor to both local and global environmental decay. Given the current trend towards more mobility, the impact of transport on the environment is likely to increase…

Assessment of long-term effects of climate change on biodiversity and vulnerability of terrestrial ecosystems

The aim of this project was to analyse the effects of climatic change on plant species diversity and ecosystem functioning. The direct effects of climatic change on plant species diversity were…

An assessment of the influence of variations in solar activity on climate

This report documents the assessment of the influence of variations in solar activity on climate.

Estimation of suspended sediment supply to the stream network of the River Rhine under present-day climate and land use

The supply of sediment to the drainage network of the River Rhine is estimated for present-day climate and land use. A distributed model was developed, which would enable us to identify areas that…

Nonlinear Dynamics of the Equatorial Ocean-Atmosphere System

A fundamental study of the nonlinear dynamics of the Tropical Pacific climate system was performed within this project. Using tools of dynamic systems theory and an intermediate coupled ocean…

MATerial Technologies for greenhouse gas Emission Reduction. Workshop Proceedings

The MATTER project (MATerials Technologies for greenhouse gas Emission Reduction) is a joint project of five Dutch institutes within the framework of the National Research Programme on Global Air…

Scenarios for Western Europe on long term abatement of CO2 emissions

An energy model for Western Europe has been constructed on the basis of the MARKAL model to analyse future development of CO 2 emissions from Western Europe and the possibilities to limit these…

Proceedings of the first NRP-II Symposium on Climate Change Research

On October 29 and 30,1998 some 175 Dutch researchers from different disciplines and research institutions and universities gathered in Garderen, The Netherlands to present their work and hear about…

Greenhouse Gas Emission Accounting 2. Update including Second National Communications

Here, a more detailed analysis is made of differences between national emission estimates, including the second National Communications and global inventories such as EDGAR 2.0 and atmospheric…

The IMAGE-2 Model: Policy and Scientific Analysis

IMAGE 2 is an integrated assessment model for global and regional climate change. The aim of the model is to simulate scientifically and thoroughly the policy-relevant issues in climate change. The…