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Estimation and detection of flexible trends

Literature on the estimation and detection of linear trends in (environmental) time series is extensive, as overviewed by Hess and others in work published in 2001. However, not all data patterns…

Ammonia concentrations in the Netherlands: spatially detailed measurements and model calculations

From September 2000 to September 2001 the ammonia concentrations in air were measured on a monthly basis at 159 locations in the Netherlands using passive samplers. Eight of the locations were…

Spillover of Climate Policy - An assessment of the incidence of carbon leakage and induced technological change due to CO2 abatement measures

Besides primary, intended effects such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions or controlling global warming, climate policies may have secondary, side-effects - called 'spillovers' - such as the induced…

Outstanding environmental issues. A review of the EU's environmental agenda

EU environmental policy has led to economic investments that have clearly benefited the health of people and ecosystems. But there are still important unresolved environmental issues in Europe, in…

What if the Russians don't ratify?

No real alternatives for implementing Kyoto Protocol without Russia. The Russian ratification of the Kyoto Protocol (KP) was vital for the KP to enter into force. According to a recent MNP-RIVM report…

The Atmosphere-Ocean System of IMAGE 2.2. A global model approach for atmospheric concentrations, and climate and sea level projections

In this report we describe the technical background of the Atmosphere Ocean System (AOS) of the Integrated Model to Assess the Global Environment (IMAGE, version 2.2).

Simplified Multi-Stage and Per Capita Convergence: an analysis of two climate regimes for differentiation of commitments

In this report two post-Kyoto climate regimes for differentiation of future commitments, the simplified Multi-Stage approach and the Per Capita Convergence approach, are described and analysed in…

Constructing land-use maps of the Netherlands in 2030

The National Environmental Assessment Agency in the Netherlands is obliged to report on future trends in the environment and nature every 4 years. The last report, Nature Outlook 2, evaluated the…

Integrated modelling for nutrient loading and ecology of lakes in the Netherland

Many shallow lakes in the lower parts of The Netherlands are hypertrophic and dominated by algae blooms. The present ecological situation reflects the result of past and present nutrient loading—a…

Data assimilation of ground-level ozone in Europe with a Kalman filter and chemistry transport model

A Kalman filter coupled to the atmospheric chemistry transport model EUROS has been used to estimate the ozone concentrations in the boundary layer above Europe.