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Effective approaches for predicting environmental concentrations of pesticides: the APECOP project

Environmental fate modelling is now actively used for the registration of plant protection products (PPPs). Yet, to be efficient in a harmonized registration process, the quality of PEC modelling…

Development of an environmental indicator which can be used on national and regional scales for evaluating pesticide emissions in The Netherlands

As part of the new governmental program on pesticides the Dutch ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management & Fisheries and the ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning & the Environment have jointly…

Comparison of GeoPEARL with the single scenario approach in pesticide registration

Several countries use one or a few scenarios to evaluate the leaching of pesticides. This, however, can be too strict for some substances while being too lenient for others, because of the wide ranges…

Emissions of N2O and NO from fertilized fields: summary of available measurement data

In this paper, information from 846 N 2O emission measurements in agricultural fields and 99 measurements for NO emissions was used to describe the influence of various factors regulating emissions…

Modelling land degradation in IMAGE 2

Food security may be threatened by loss of soil productivity as a result of human-induced land degradation. Water erosion is the most important cause of land degradation, and its effects are…

Modelling the impact of climate change on the Wadden Sea ecosystem

In the framework of the Dutch National Research Programme on Global Air Pollution and Climate Change, ecological responses of the Wadden Sea ecosystem to changing climate conditions have been studied.

The IMAGE 2.2 implementation of the SRES scenarios

CD-rom publication (MNP publication 500110001, reprint of RIVM publication 481508018). A comprehensive analysis of emissions, climate change and impacts in the 21st century. Main disc.

PEARL model for pesticide behaviour and emissions in soil-plant systems

The use of pesticides in agriculture presents risks to the environment, which are evaluated more and more by using computation models. The new PEARL model simulates the behaviour of pesticides in soil…

Global change scenarios of the 21st century. Results from the IMAGE 2.1 Model

Global Change Scenarios of the 21st Century informs readers of conceivable environmental changes in the next hundred years. Integrated scenarios are used to communicate large amounts of information…

A global high-resolution emission inventory for ammonia

A global emissions inventory for ammonia (NH3) has been compiled for the main known sources on a 1°×1° grid, suitable for input to global atmospheric models.