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Long-term housing challenges

Finding a new house is a crucial but challenging undertaking for migrant workers. This article presents a longitudinal perspective on the housing trajectories of EU labour migrants in the Netherlands…
Flatgebouw met daarvoor een speelgebied voor kinderen

A longitudinal analysis of arrival infrastructures


Understanding the social geographies of urban regions

Economic restructuring and changing demographic and migration patterns have significantly altered the composition of the population in urban regions. Although there is evidence of employees in various…

Determinants of car ownership among young households in the Netherlands: The role of urbanisation and demographic and economic characteristics

In the Netherlands, car ownership among young adults has slowly decreased, in recent decades. The main causes of this trend are still unclear. This paper explores how car ownership among young Dutch…

Spatial policy needs demographic analysis

In het inaugural lecture, Professor Dorien Manting states that the demographic life courses of people form an important explanation for a multitude of spatial developments. The prolonged period…

Towards Housing System Dynamics

This PhD thesis aims at laying some of the groundwork for a more systematic application of system dynamics in the field of housing policy research. It contains a comprehensive review of the available…

National Background Note ‘Local Scenarios of Demographic Change: The impact on local labour markets’

The Netherlands as a whole and many Dutch regions, in particular, experience a decline in potential labour force as well as an ageing population. These demographic developments may have consequences…

From combating to managing: Demographic decline in the Netherlands - Policy strategies for current and future shrinking regions

From 2010 onwards, population and household numbers are projected to decrease rapidly in an increasing number of municipalities and regions in the Netherlands. There will also be a rapid decrease in…

Regional population and household projections, 2011–2040: Marked regional differences

The regional population and household projections for 2011 to 2040 presents future developments in the population and number of households per municipality in the Netherlands. This article discusses…

Once an outsider, always an outsider? The accessibility of the Dutch rural housing market among locals and non-locals

Are intended movers with a preference for rural living able to move to their preferred rural location? One of the most pressing questions in the rural gentrification literature is whether rural…