Updated Global Stocktake tool now online
The Global Stocktake tool presents several indicators to track progress in implementing the Paris Climate Agreement. The indicators presented in the tool are based on model-based scenarios that compare the action needed to meet the overall objectives, with the action promised by individual countries. Next to a new layout, the tool now presents the new scenarios developed in COMMIT.
The Global Stocktake tool
The Global Stocktake tool presents several indicators to track progress in implementing the Paris Climate Agreement. The Paris Climate Agreement sets targets at the global scale, but action needs to be taken by individual countries. Therefore, the Agreement envisions a process to review whether the combined action at the national level is sufficient to implement the overall objective, i.e. to keep global warming to well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels, and to pursue efforts to limit the increase to 1.5 °C (referred to as the global stocktake, Article 14).
The indicators presented in the tool are based on model-based scenarios, developed in COMMIT, that compare the action needed to meet the overall objectives, with the action promised by individual countries (reported via the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) and the actual implemented policies (based on a database of currently implemented policies). The stocktake tool intends to allow a wide range of interested parties to assess progress.
The tool contains interactive graphs that allows visitors to explore different scenarios and policy assumptions, an exampe of such a graph is shown here.

Visit the online tool.