We publish reports and scientific articles. Here an overview of publications in the last four years.
Publications in 2024
- Artikel | 27 September 2024Reducing the cost of capital to finance the energy transition in developing countries
- Artikel | 25 September 2024Balancing energy transition: Assessing decent living standards and future energy demand in the Global South
- Artikel | 9 September 2024Global sustainability scenarios lead to regionally different outcomes for terrestrial biodiversity
- Artikel | 27 August 2024Digital twins of the Earth with and for humans
- Artikel | 16 August 2024Prospective life cycle assessment of climate and biodiversity impacts of meat-based and plant-forward meals: A case study of Indonesian and German meal options
- Artikel | 6 August 2024Modelling the impacts of climate change on agrochemical fate and transport by water on a catchment scale
- Artikel | 21 July 2024A green hydrogen revolution in Africa remains elusive under current geopolitical realities
- Artikel | 19 July 2024How climate change is impacting the Brazilian agricultural sector: Evidence from a systematic literature review
- Artikel | 17 July 2024Comparing net-zero pathways across the Atlantic: A model inter-comparison exercise between the Energy Modelling Forum 37 and the European Climate and Energy Modelling Forum
- Artikel | 16 July 2024The geography of circularity missions: A cross-country comparison of circular economy policy approaches in the Global North and Global South
- Artikel | 7 June 2024Reducing sectoral hard-to-abate emissions to limit reliance on carbon dioxide removal
- Artikel | 22 May 2024International shipping in a world below 2 °C
- Artikel | 11 April 2024Increased policy ambition is needed to avoid the effects of climate change and reach carbon removal targets in Portugal
- Artikel | 9 April 2024Climate policy and the SDGs agenda: How does near-term action on nexus SDGs influence the achievement of long-term climate goals?
- Artikel | 23 March 2024Decarbonising the cement industry: Findings from coupling prospective life cycle assessment of clinker with integrated assessment model scenarios
- Artikel | 29 February 2024Risks associated with global warming of 1.5 to 4 °C above pre-industrial levels in human and natural systems in six countries
- Artikel | 8 February 2024A review of existing model-based scenarios achieving SDGs: progress and challenges
- Artikel | 1 February 2024Disutility of climate change damages may warrant much stricter climate targets
- Artikel | 23 January 2024Paris targets within reach by aligning, broadening and strengthening net-zero pledges
- Artikel | 9 January 2024An environmental and socially just climate mitigation pathway for a planet in peril
- Artikel | 5 January 2024Reassessing the need for carbon dioxide removal: moral implications of alternative climate target pathways
- Artikel | 3 January 2024Experts and expertise in practices of citizen engagement in climate policy: a comparative analysis of two contrasting cases
Publications in 2023
- Artikel | 13 December 2023Spread in climate policy scenarios unravelled
- Tekstpagina | 21 December 2023Energy model 'fingerprints' in mitigation scenarios
- Nieuws | 4 December 2023Sizeable global emission gap in 2050 remains for net-zero pledges
- Rapport | 15 November 2023Greenhouse gas mitigation scenarios for major emitters
- Artikel | 6 November 2023Identifying energy model fingerprints in mitigation scenarios
- Artikel | 28 February 2023Global Maps of Agricultural Expansion Potential at a 300 m Resolution
- Artikel | 30 May 2023The role of peatland degradation, protection, and restoration for climate change mitigation in the SSP scenarios
- Artikel | 10 August 2023Energy planning in Sub-Saharan African countries needs to explicitly consider productive uses of electricity
- Artikel | 2 June 2023Uncertainty in non-CO2 greenhouse gas mitigation contributes to ambiguity in global climate policy feasibility
- Artikel | 5 May 2023The impact of policy and model uncertainties on emissions projections of the Paris Agreement pledges
- Artikel | 25 February 2023Achieving net-zero emissions targets: an analysis of long-term scenarios using an integrated assessment model
Publications in 2022
- Artikel | 20 December 2022The IPCC Sixth Assessment Report WGIII climate assessment of mitigation pathways: from emissions to global temperatures
- Artikel | 27 February 2022BLOEM: A spatially explicit model of bioenergy and carbon capture and storage, applied to Brazil
- Artikel | 31 August 2022The implications of geopolitical, socioeconomic, and regulatory constraints on European bioenergy imports and associated greenhouse gas emissions to 2050
- Artikel | 13 June 2022Uncertain effectiveness of Miscanthus bioenergy expansion for climate change mitigation explored using land surface, agronomic and integrated assessment models
- Artikel | 7 December 2022Plastic futures and their CO2 emissions
- Artikel | 22 November 2022Climate change mitigation and SDGs: modelling the regional potential of promising mitigation measures and assessing their impact on other SDGs
- Artikel | 10 March 2022Quantifying synergies and trade-offs in the global water-land-food-climate nexus using a multi-model scenario approach
- Artikel | 24 October 2022Africa needs context-relevant evidence to shape its clean energy future
- Tekstpagina | 24 October 2022Analysis of current climate policies and mitigation commitments of major emitting countries: 2022 Update
- Artikel | 13 May 2022Developing scenarios in the context of the Paris Agreement and application in the integrated assessment model IMAGE: A framework for bridging the policy-modelling divide
- Artikel | 7 June 2022Targeted Green Recovery Measures in a Post-COVID-19 World Enable the Energy Transition
- Tekstpagina | 7 September 2022Hard-to-abate sectors: achieving zero emissions is a difficult task
- Tekstpagina | 28 June 2022Long term Environmental Performance of Direct Air Capture
- Artikel | 25 June 2022Environmental trade-offs of direct air capture technologies in climate change mitigation toward 2100
- Artikel | 3 May 2022Global biomass supply modeling for long-run management of the climate system
- Artikel | 7 September 2022Current lifestyles in the context of future climate targets: analysis of long-term scenarios and consumer segments for residential and transport
- Artikel | 21 June 2022Updated nationally determined contributions collectively raise ambition levels but need strengthening further to keep Paris goals within reach
- Artikel | 4 January 2022Can global models provide insights into regional mitigation strategies? A diagnostic model comparison study of bioenergy in Brazil
- Artikel | 28 February 2022Climate change impacts on the energy system: a model comparison
- Tekstpagina | 9 March 2022What are the Main Contributing Factors to Carbon Neutrality across Sectors?
- Artikel | 1 December 2021The Impact of Socio-Economic Inertia and Restrictions on Net-Negative Emissions on Cost-Effective Carbon Price Pathways
- Artikel | 11 April 2022Navigating the political: An analysis of political calibration of integrated assessment modelling in light of the 1.5 °C goal
- Artikel | 1 February 2022Defining a sustainable development target space for 2030 and 2050
- Artikel | 7 August 2022Future global electricity demand load curves
- Artikel | 24 February 2022Land-based climate change mitigation measures can affect agricultural markets and food security
- Artikel | 23 February 2022Translating Global Integrated Assessment Model Output into Lifestyle Change Pathways at the Country and Household Level
- Artikel | 4 January 2022Efficiency improvement and technology choice for energy and emission reductions of the residential sector
- Artikel | 16 January 2022Good practice policies to bridge the emissions gap in key countries
- Artikel | 19 October 2022Determinants of the distribution of utility-scale photovoltaic power facilities across the globe
- Artikel | 9 May 2022Using large ensembles of climate change mitigation scenarios for robust insights
- Artikel | 15 March 2022The plastics integrated assessment model (PLAIA): Assessing emission mitigation pathways and circular economy strategies for the plastics sector
Publications in 2021
- Artikel | 4 October 2021The impact of land-use change emissions on the potential of bioenergy as climate change mitigation option for a Brazilian low-carbon energy system
- Artikel | 29 November 2021Net zero-emission pathways reduce the physical and economic risks of climate change
- Artikel | 29 November 2021Cost and attainability of meeting stringent climate targets without overshoot
- Artikel | 24 December 2021Using Decomposition Analysis to Determine the Main Contributing Factors to Carbon Neutrality across Sectors
- Artikel | 25 November 2021Global implications of crop-based bioenergy with carbon capture and storage for terrestrial vertebrate biodiversity
- Artikel | 29 October 2021Integrated assessment of the role of bioenergy within the EU energy transition targets to 2050
- Artikel | 2 November 2021The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI): What Will it Look Like in the Future?
- Artikel | 22 October 2021Global and regional aggregate damages associated with global warming of 1.5 to 4 °C above pre-industrial levels
- Artikel | 29 October 2021Twenty years of climate policy: G20 coverage and gaps
- Artikel | 14 October 2021Trade-offs between water needs for food, utilities, and the environment - a nexus quantification at different scales
- Artikel | 28 September 2021Transitioning to Low-Carbon Economies under the 2030 Agenda: Minimizing Trade-Offs and Enhancing Co-Benefits of Climate-Change Action for the SDGs
- Artikel | 1 December 2021The Impact of Socio-Economic Inertia and Restrictions on Net-Negative Emissions on Cost-Effective Carbon Price Pathways
- Artikel | 27 August 2021Adaptive risk management strategies for governments under future climate and socioeconomic change: An application to riverine flood risk at the global level
- Artikel | 5 November 2021Global roll-out of comprehensive policy measures may aid in bridging emissions gap
- Artikel | 11 October 2021Land-based measures to mitigate climate change: Potential and feasibility by country
- Artikel | 22 June 2021A multi-data assessment of land use and land cover emissions from Brazil during 2000-2019
- Rapport | 11 October 2021The 2021 SSP scenarios of the IMAGE 3.2 model
- Artikel | 10 June 2021Identifying regional drivers of future land-based biodiversity footprints
- Artikel | 8 June 2021Persistent inequality in economically optimal climate policies
- Artikel | 21 June 2021Energy system developments and investments in the decisive decade for the Paris Agreement goals
- Artikel | 10 June 2021Costs of avoiding net negative emissions under a carbon budget
- Artikel | 28 September 2021Regional energy diversity and sovereignty in different 2 °C and 1.5 °C pathways
- Artikel | 16 September 2021Wave of net zero emission targets opens window to meeting the Paris Agreement
- Artikel | 24 May 2021Greenhouse gas emission scenarios in nine key non-G20 countries: an assessment of progress toward 2030 climate targets
- Artikel | 6 May 2021The role of regulatory, market and governance risk for electricity access investment in sub-Saharan Africa
- Artikel | 27 May 2021A framework for national scenarios with varying emission reductions
- Artikel | 23 April 2021Assessing China’s efforts to pursue the 1.5°C warming limit
- Artikel | 5 May 2021Regional variation in the effectiveness of methane-based and land-based climate mitigation options
- Artikel | 16 April 2021A systematic framework for the assessment of sustainable hydropower potential in a river basin – The case of the upper Indus
- Artikel | 6 May 2021On the optimality of 2°C targets and a decomposition of uncertainty
- Artikel | 23 March 2021Air quality and health implications of 1.5 °C–2 °C climate pathways under considerations of ageing population: a multi-model scenario analysis
- Artikel | 10 May 2021Integrated assessment model diagnostics: key indicators and model evolution
- Artikel | 26 April 2021Critical adjustment of land mitigation pathways for assessing countries’ climate progress
- Artikel | 9 April 2021Net-zero emission targets for major emitting countries consistent with the Paris Agreement
- Artikel | 17 February 2021Decomposition analysis of per capita emissions: a tool for assessing consumption changes and technology changes within scenarios
- Artikel | 11 January 2021Climate change impacts on renewable energy supply
Publications in 2020
- Artikel | 23 March 2020The costs of achieving climate targets and the sources of uncertainty
- Rapport | 15 July 2020Paris-aligned energy transition pathways for India
- Artikel | 14 February 2020Stakeholder-designed scenarios for global food security assessments
- Artikel | 30 January 2020Energy use in the global food system
- Artikel | 19 February 2020Global resource potential of seasonal pumped hydropower storage for energy and water storage
- Artikel | 20 February 2020Assessment of Sectoral Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Potentials for 2030
- Artikel | 19 March 2020How food secure are the green, rocky and middle roads: food security effects in different world development paths
- Artikel | 6 February 2020The generation of gridded emissions data for CMIP6
- Artikel | 17 March 2020Modelling alternative futures of global food security: Insights from FOODSECURE
- Artikel | 28 July 2020Co-benefits of black carbon mitigation for climate and air quality
- Artikel | 11 August 2020Are scenario projections overly optimistic about future yield progress?
- Artikel | 24 August 2020The climate change mitigation potential of bioenergy with carbon capture and storage
- Artikel | 27 June 2020Progress and barriers in understanding and preventing indirect land‐use change
- Artikel | 30 March 2020Beyond national climate action: the impact of region, city, and business commitments on global greenhouse gas emissions
- Artikel | 11 May 2020Actors and governance in the transition toward universal electricity access in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Artikel | 3 August 2020Impacts of climate change on energy systems in global and regional scenarios
- Artikel | 13 August 2020The shared socio-economic pathway (SSP) greenhouse gas concentrations and their extensions to 2500
- Artikel | 20 August 2020EMF-33 insights on bioenergy with carbon capture and storage
- Artikel | 14 April 2020EU bioenergy development to 2050
- Artikel | 29 April 2020Life cycle environmental and cost comparison of current and future passenger cars under different energy scenarios
- Artikel | 24 August 2020Comparing transformation pathways across major economies
- Artikel | 14 July 2020Global rules for translating land-use change (LUH2) to land-cover change for CMIP6 using GLM2
- Artikel | 2 April 2020Mapping the yields of lignocellulosic bioenergy crops from observations at the global scale
- Artikel | 8 September 2020The role of residential rooftop photovoltaic in long-term energy and climate scenarios
- Artikel | 17 September 2020Impact of methane and black carbon mitigation on forcing and temperature: a multi-model scenario analysis
- Artikel | 28 August 2020Early retirement of power plants in climate mitigation scenarios
- Artikel | 17 September 2020Impact of methane and black carbon mitigation on forcing and temperature: a multi-model scenario analysis
- Artikel | 18 September 2020Improving Climate Change Mitigation Analysis: A Framework for Examining Feasibility
- Artikel | 24 October 2020Decarbonising the critical sectors of aviation, shipping, road freight and industry to limit warming to 1.5–2°C
- Artikel | 11 October 2020Projected material requirements for the global electricity infrastructure – generation, transmission and storage
- Artikel | 2 November 2020Anticipating futures through models: the rise of Integrated Assessment Modelling in the climate science-policy interface since 1970
- Artikel | 21 July 2020Modeling Process-Based Biogeochemical Dynamics in Surface Fresh Waters of Large Watersheds With the IMAGE-DGNM Framework
- Artikel | 17 August 2020Spatially Explicit Inventory of Sources of Nitrogen Inputs to the Yellow Sea, East China Sea, and South China Sea for the Period 1970–2010
- Artikel | 11 October 2020Implications of climate change mitigation strategies on international bioenergy trade
- Rapport | 9 November 2020BEIS ICF Mitigation Investment Options: Opportunity Assessment Reports
- Artikel | 21 August 2020Integrated Climate-Change Assessment Scenarios and Carbon Dioxide Removal
- Artikel | 30 October 2020Variability in historical emissions trends suggests a need for a wide range of global scenarios and regional analyses
- Artikel | 10 November 2020Harmonization of global land use change and management for the period 850–2100 (LUH2) for CMIP6
- Artikel | 17 December 2020A review of successful climate change mitigation policies in major emitting economies and the potential of global replication
- Artikel | 10 November 2020Guidelines for Modeling and Reporting Health Effects of Climate Change Mitigation Actions
- Artikel | 16 November 2020Co-designing global target-seeking scenarios: A cross-scale participatory process for capturing multiple perspectives on pathways to sustainability
- Artikel | 23 November 2020Energy system transitions and low-carbon pathways in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, EU-28, India, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Russia and the United States
- Artikel | 25 November 2020Achievements and needs for the climate change scenario framework
- Artikel | 5 December 2020An overview of the Energy Modeling Forum 33rd study: assessing large-scale global bioenergy deployment for managing climate change
- Artikel | 24 August 2020Bioenergy technologies in long-run climate change mitigation: results from the EMF-33 study
- Artikel | 25 April 2020Anthropogenic Biomes: 10,000 BCE to 2015 CE
- Artikel | 10 December 2020An assessment of the performance of scenarios against historical global emissions for IPCC reports
- Artikel | 11 December 2020Controlling biodiversity impacts of future global hydropower reservoirs by strategic site selection
- Artikel | 14 December 2020Integrating energy access, efficiency and renewable energy policies in sub-Saharan Africa: a model-based analysis
Publications in 2019
- Artikel | 23 November 2019Analysing interactions among Sustainable Development Goals with Integrated Assessment Models
- Artikel | 17 January 2019Better soils for healthier lives?
- Publicatie | 8 April 2019Model-based assessments for long-term climate strategies
- Publicatie | 13 May 2019A multi-model assessment of food security implications of climate change mitigation
- Artikel | 15 May 2019Key determinants of global land-use projections
- Artikel | 24 May 2019The role of methane in future climate strategies: mitigation potentials and climate impacts
- Publicatie | 28 May 2019Hydropower dependency and climate change in sub-Saharan Africa: A nexus framework and evidence-based review
- Publicatie | 28 April 2019Making the Paris agreement climate targets consistent with food security objectives
- Publicatie | 12 April 2019Global emissions pathways under different socioeconomic scenarios for use in CMIP6: a dataset of harmonized emissions trajectories through the end of the century
- Publicatie | 21 March 2019First forcing estimates from the future CMIP6 scenarios of anthropogenic aerosol optical properties and an associated Twomey effect
- Artikel | 3 June 2019Understanding transition pathways by bridging modelling, transition and practice-based studies
- Artikel | 19 January 2019Shared socio-economic pathways extended for the Baltic Sea: exploring long-term environmental problems
- Artikel | 25 February 2019Drivers of declining CO2 emissions in 18 developed economies
- Publicatie | 19 July 2019The vulnerabilities of agricultural land and food production to future water scarcity
- Publicatie | 20 July 2019Mid-century emission pathways in Japan associated with the global 2 °C goal: national and global models’ assessments based on carbon budgets
- Artikel | 30 August 2019Archaeological assessment reveals Earth’s early transformation through land use
- Artikel | 23 August 2019Not all carbon dioxide emission scenarios are equally likely: a subjective expert assessment
- Artikel | 3 June 2019Understanding transition pathways by bridging modelling, transition and practice-based studies
- Artikel | 10 September 2019Biomass residues as twenty-first century bioenergy feedstock—a comparison of eight integrated assessment models
- Artikel | 21 October 2019Contribution of the land sector to a 1.5 °C world
- Artikel | 26 October 2019Afforestation for climate change mitigation: Potentials, risks and trade‐offs
- Nieuws | 3 December 2019Integrated scenarios to support analysis of the food–energy–water nexus
- Artikel | 7 November 2019Global construction materials database and stock analysis of residential buildings between 1970-2050
- Artikel | 29 November 2019Scenario analysis for promoting clean cooking in Sub-Saharan Africa: Costs and benefits
- Artikel | 19 September 2019Reconciling global sustainability targets and local action for food production and climate change mitigation
- Artikel | 2 October 2019Modelling global material stocks and flows for residential and service sector buildings towards 2050
- Artikel | 19 November 2019Environmental co-benefits and adverse side-effects of alternative power sector decarbonization strategies
- Artikel | 12 March 2019The future of biomass and bioenergy deployment and trade: a synthesis of 15 years IEA Bioenergy Task 40 on sustainable bioenergy trade
- Artikel | 6 December 2019Strong time dependence of ocean acidification mitigation by atmospheric carbon dioxide removal
- Artikel | 26 February 2019The scope for better industry representation in long-term energy models: Modeling the cement industry
- Artikel | 15 October 2019Modeling forest plantations for carbon uptake with the LPJmL dynamic global vegetation model
- Artikel | 4 December 2019Global Carbon Budget 2019
- Artikel | 25 October 2019Integrated Solutions for the Water-Energy-Land Nexus: Are Global Models Rising to the Challenge?
- Artikel | 14 February 2019Implications of various effort-sharing approaches for national carbon budgets and emission pathways
- Artikel | 29 May 2019Limiting global-mean temperature increase to 1.5–2 °C could reduce the incidence and spatial spread of dengue fever in Latin America