Decarbonisation options for the industry cluster Botlek/Pernis Rotterdam

This report on decarbonisation options for the industry cluster Botlek/Pernis Rotterdam is part of the MIDDEN project (Manufacturing Industry Decarbonisation Data Exchange Network) initiated by PBL and TNO. The project aims to support industry, policymakers, analysts and the energy sector in their common efforts to achieve deep decarbonisation.

Description of current situation

This report describes the current situation for Botlek/Pernis in Rotterdam in the Netherlands and the options and preconditions for its cluster decarbonisation. The report focuses on all main industries in the Botlek/Pernis area, and some connected sites in Europoort.

In total, over 40 companies were evaluated, including several terminals, two oil refineries, a waste incineration plant, combined heat and power generators, industrial gases producers, petrochemical companies and other chemical companies. The annual CO2 emitted amounts to 13.9 million tonnes for the industrial cluster Botlek/Pernis.

Decarbonisation options include CCS, hydrogen and electrification

The report presents a tentative calculation on the short-term 2030 decarbonisation plans and a long term 2050 decarbonisation perspective. The majority of the production capacities and energy demands have not been confirmed by the respective companies and can therefore be considered estimates. The main options for decarbonisation are pre-combustion CCS, hydrogen use for heating and electrification of steam supply.
A comprehensive Excel datasheet for further analysis is available on request, please contact Dick van Dam.


Other authors
Jiska de Haas
Ton van Dril


Publication title
Decarbonisation options for the industry cluster Botlek/Pernis Rotterdam
Publication date
18 August 2022
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