Construction of regional trade-linked supply and use tables for the EU28


At the request of the European Commission, PBL has created a new database on regional trade in Europe. Policy research on regional economic development is often hampered by shortcomings in the availability of regional economic data. This applies in particular to data on interregional trade that are presented in this background study. In the past, PBL has built several databases on regional trade and was therefore asked to update these data for the year 2013. 

Regional trade data

This document describes how these regional trade data are derived from national data and how they are estimated using detailed data on freight transport between regions. The resulting data set describes the trade flows between European regions at NUTS-2 level (i.e. provinces). These trade data are derived from freight data and are in line with the national accounts and transport statistics published by Eurostat. The data is used for policy analysis in analyses of the consequences of the Brexit (link), and the Rhomolo model, a European regional economic model of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission.


Mark Thissen, Olga Ivanova, Giovanni Mandras and Trond Husby


Publication title
Construction of regional trade-linked supply and use tables for the EU28
Publication date
5 June 2018
Publication type
Product number