How to halt the global decline of lands

The assessment of land degradation and restoration by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services shows that land degradation across the globe is a wide and severe issue and is showing no signs of slowing down. The authors offer 10 guidelines for  this trend to be halted and reversed.

1. Recognize the benefits of land,
2. Set legally binding goals,
3. Monitor progress towards goals,
4. Promote local action,
5. Combine local knowledge with more conventional scientific knowledge,
6. Account for all costs and benefits of land restoration,
7. Balance demands on land to a sustainable level,
8. Encourage responsible trade and consumption,
9. Strenghten  juridical institutions for environmental action,
10. Re-evaluate what a good life is.


PBL Authors
Ben ten Brink
Other authors
Louise Willemen
Nichole N. Barger
Matthew Cantele
Barend F. N. Erasmus
Judith L. Fisher
Toby Gardner
Timothy G. Holland
Florent Kohler
Janne S. Kotiaho
Graham P. von Maltitz
Grace Nangendo
Ram Pandit,
John A. Parrotta,
Matthew D. Potts
Stephen D. Prince
Mahesh Sankaran
Anastasia Brainich
Luca Montanarella
Robert Scholes


Publication title
How to halt the global decline of lands
Publication date
10 February 2020
Publication type
Page count
Publication language
Nature sustainability
3; 164-166
Product number