Possible objectives for a circular economy

At the request of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, PBL identifies possible objectives for a circular economy. Changes in the way raw materials are used may contribute substantially to solving various major social issues, such as the impact of climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution of air, water and soil, and supply risks related to raw materials.

This is the English version of the summary of the Dutch policy brief 'Mogelijke doelen voor een Circulaire Economie'. The study analyses which raw material flows and product groups are most relevant, in this respect. The policy brief outlines the next steps towards a framework for setting more concrete targets for a circular economy.

The study was conducted in cooperation with Statistics Netherlands (CBS), the Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML), Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and Rijkswaterstaat (RWS, the government service for roads and waterways) and is intended to support a process to work out the details of the general objectives of a circular economy for 2030 and 2050, carried out by the ministry in consultation with stakeholders.


Publication title
Possible objectives for a circular economy
Publication date
17 December 2021
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