The plan review. A new approach to discussing, assessing and improving urban projects in a changing planning practice


Ashgate has published the book Place-Based Evaluation for Integrated Land-Use Management (J. Woltjer, E. Alexander, A. Hull & M. Ruth (eds.)). This book brings together experts in the fields of spatial planning, land-use and infrastructure management to explore the emerging agenda of spatially-oriented integrated evaluation. It weaves together the latest theories, case studies, methods, policy and practice to examine and assess the values, impacts, benefits and the overall success in integrated land-use management. In doing so, the book clarifies the nature and roles of evaluation and puts forward guidance for future policy and practice.

One of the book’s chapters focuses on the Plan Review, a new approach to discussing, assessing and improving urban projects in a changing planning practice. This chapter was written by PBL researchers David Hamers, Like Bijlsma and Anton van Hoorn. Their chapter is based on the PBL study Planobjectivering: een nieuw instrument voor de ruimtelijke analyse van stedelijke projecten in aanvulling op de maatschappelijke kosten-batenanalyse.


Hamers, D., L. Bijlsma & A. van Hoorn


Publication title
The plan review. A new approach to discussing, assessing and improving urban projects in a changing planning practice
Publication date
1 August 2015
Publication type
Product number